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Let's not wait for food anymore • Lunadio

Let's not wait for food anymore

Let's not wait for food anymore

Order before you get there. Have your food
fresh and ready for you.

Order before you get there. Have your food fresh and ready for you.



In Lunadio, we usually eat lunch at various restaurants close to our office. During peak noon times, it's often difficult to find a free table. Sometimes we need to grab a quick bite and don't have time for waiting in line. We decided to solve this problem by creating Eatster.

Eatster discovers nearest places to eat and allows you to order right from your phone. Your food will be waiting for you at the restaurant in just a few minutes after. This saves you time and also it's also making restaurant's staff more productive.

We plan to work with restaurants and the feedback from customers to make Eatster a popular option to quickly order food.


Like what you see? Let's talk about what can we do for you.

Like what you see? Let's talk about what can we do for you.

Like what you see? Let's talk about what can we do for you.

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Send us a message and schedule a call or meeting with our team.

Send us a message and schedule a call or meeting with our team.

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