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Connecting golf players and coaches around the world - Lunadio

Connecting golf players around the world

Connecting golf players around the world

Gryyny aims to help golf coaches with a set of tools to perform their daily business duties much more effectively

Gryyny aims to help golf coaches with a set of tools to perform their daily business duties much more effectively

About Gryyny

About Gryyny

Before Gryyny, coaches and players faced many issues. For example, it was quite hard to discover each other. Players looking for a coach needed to do an extensive google search making notes along the way to compare their services. Coaches were relying on their own websites which they had no time to keep updated. Managing the relationship when it happened was not entirely painless either. Communication was scattered between SMS, calls, records on paper and vague memories. 

Gryyny solved these problems in the form of a web app. But that's not enough. People were using it mostly on the go on their mobile devices. It was lacking live chat and notifications, which were expected by their users. Native mobile apps were the way to go. 


The Solution

The Solution

It's invaluable to be able to touch the app and feel the flow in the early stages.

The first step in the process was identifying the core problems we were trying to solve to form some kind of an MVP. We didn't want to just plainly copy the website, because the context in which they both were used was different. The plan was to build the first version with only essential features and take it from there.

As always, we started with pen and paper. The most promising wireframes made it to an interactive prototype very quickly. It's invaluable to be able to touch the app and feel if the flow is right in the early stages.

Making It Happen

Making It Happen

After we decided on the features and flows, we set out to create beautiful high-fidelity designs. The app was going to be available on both iOS and Android and we wanted to make sure that users would feel comfortable. So instead of creating an unified design, we went the other way and made a different one for each platform following appropriate guidelines.

The development was carried out using native technologies ensuring high quality output and everything Gryyny users expect from an app.

Like what you see? Let's talk about what can we do for you.

Like what you see? Let's talk about what can we do for you.

Like what you see? Let's talk about what can we do for you.

Like what you see? Let's talk about what can we do for you.

Like what you see? Let's talk about what can we do for you.

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Send us a message and schedule a call or meeting with our team.

Send us a message and schedule a call or meeting with our team.

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